Sunday, November 6, 2011


So, according to facebook, I've been "in a relationship" with Boy B for almost 2 weeks. It's weird though because even though God has given me what I "want," I don't feel like it's what I really "need." My head is constantly spinning with this guy wondering how he's feels about me, how I feel about him, if this will go anywhere, if he could actually be "the one," and so on. You know...all those questions you ask yourself at the beginning of any relationship. It's been such a weird transition, and I blame being single for so long. I've gotten so used to being on my own time table, being in my own place, and just basically not having to think about anyone but myself.

He's such a great guy. He has so many wonderful qualities that ARE things that I'm looking for. He's a Christian(who is actually concerned with what GOD wants for his life...), he's got a master's degree, a good stable job, a nice family, he LOVES to travel and has been all over the world, and I suppose most importantly, he treats me so well. He really likes me and goes to great pains to make sure I'm ok, and to make sure I know he's thinking about me(which is a HUGE deal for me!!). He really is great. I just want him to be happy with me. But let's face it...I can be a PILL.

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