Sunday, October 16, 2011

Match by the Numbers

The main reason I got on Match is because I felt like I had already exhausted all of the options in my own area. Meaning, I have found absolutely no datable men at my school, at my church, in the opera, at my apartment complex, or any of the other places I frequent in my day-to-day life. Therefore, I decided to look outside the confines of those places and meet some people I would have no way to meet otherwise.

According to
1. There are 1,558 men between the ages of 25-30 within 100 miles of me that are Christian and have never been married. Those are the first two things I look at.
2. 834 of those men have at least a Bachelor's degree.
3. Subtract the smokers and heavy drinkers from that group and I still have 679 dudes to choose from.
4. I NEED a man who likes performing arts and loves to travel because performing arts is my livelihood and traveling MUST be in my future for me to be happy. So that leaves me 512.
5. When I narrow it down with my physical preferences, I have 402 in the running.
6. Now when I narrow it down by the things that I think to myself, "If i want my life to be exactly how I've always imagined it, my husband will have these qualities...that leaves 4 men between the ages of 25-30 within 100 miles of me that have exactly the qualities I want in my ideal husband.

There are a few things I can conclude from this information.
1. I am extremely picky. But from what everyone tells me, that's ok.
2. There are a lot more good guys out there that like performing arts than I realize!
3. If I am to love a man, I MUST learn to deal with sports...ugh
4. If there are 1,558 Christian, never married men between the ages of 25-30 within 100 miles of me, if you assume roughly 1,000 Christian men to each large Texas city, that'd be at least 7,000ish in Texas alone.

There are a couple questions I need to ask  myself:
1. What are the chances that any of those 1,558 men are looking for someone exactly like me?
2. With all these thousands of men on, and all the men that AREN'T on


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